Design Team Recruitment
In order to unburden you, we as an independent partner can procure a design team in which team members have the proper knowledge and experience to suit your project. Services can include recruitment of architects, engineers, building physicists, and installation consultants, amongst others.
Realizing a high-quality and competitively priced building requires reliable construction partners. Piet Nagel BV can select the right parties in a manner that meets your needs and desires. This can be by direct agreement, or if required by regulation, through a European tender.
Manage Design Team to a Complete Design
All members of the design team are capable of making his or her part design. However, coherence of the part designs requires coordination. Planning activities and a budget is our daily work.
Management / Supervision
To achieve the required quality within the stipulated timeframe adequate management of the construction process is required. Piet Nagel BV is the ideal partner for the job. Because we are frequently involved in the design phases of a project, we know where to expect bottlenecks in the construction phase. We focus strongly on communication, quality, time and costs.
Quality Control
We carry the responsibility for the total design and will meet all expected quality requirements. Because we do not provide actual opinions, we hold the responsible partners independently accountable for their qualitative performances.
Construction projects require permits. We can meet these obligations on your behalf.
Management and Maintenance
At conclusion of the construction phase, you will move into your new or remodelled building. You want this sustainable investment to be well maintained. With our knowledge of the design we are perfectly suited to handle this by contracting carefully selected partners so that you can focus on your business.