NEP in the cloud

The new Cloud controlrooms have been built in the former management areas of the Studiocentrum. With this, a new trend has been set. The control room or the OB-van no longer needs to be directly at the recording location. The registration is provided remotely via the Cloud. This is the most efficient way of using the available resources.

In recent years Piet Nagel has carried out the construction management of various projects for Dutchview and Infostrada The most recent project (April 2015 – September 2015) concerned the construction of the new Cloud Control rooms in the Studiocentrum. to fathom technology in combination with structural facilities and, in addition to providing project supervision, also provides valuable input on adjoining aspects such as procurement / tendering and technical solutions, and we can therefore provide a positive reference from both companies “

Michiel van Duijvendijk


Project Details






4 Cloud Eindregie’s 4 Cloud Eindregie’s